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A two-story flipbook featuring the adventures of The Wolves, The Crocs, The Lions, The Eagles, The Gorillas and a Raven in the land of Chima.
The sneaky Wolves have teamed up with the Crocs in the battle for control of all the CHI in Chima! The Lions have only one hope for defeating their enemies: their trusted allies, the Eagles. But are the Eagles clever enough to outwit the scheming Wolves?
Everyone knows the nature-loving Gorillas have their...
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"Everyone knows the nature-loving Gorillas have their own way of doing things. But that's not going to stop Laval from training them to be warriors. Or Wilhurt from stealing their CHI! Will the Gorillas keep their mellow, or will they go bananas? Then, Rizzo the Raven holds an auction between Crooler and Windra--two of the most vicious animals in Chima. This may be one deal that's too hot for even a Raven to handle!"--P. [4] of cover.
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Laval the Lion and Cragger the Crocodile are best friends. Neither can wait to reach the Age of Becoming when they'll be old enough to use CHI. But when Cragger convinces Laval to sneak in and see the CHI before they're supposed to, things go very wrong. Now, the two princes find themselves sworn enemies fighting on behalf of their tribes! Read about their adventures, and discover the Legends of Chima!
LEGO legends of Chima volume 2
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Searching for the Legend Beasts in the Outlands when the Eagles' Castle is attacked by the Bats, Laval and his friends face a difficult choice after Equila crashes his Ultra Striker in a tree, where it threatens to fall down onto a village.
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"Como sus padres no están, Cragger se ha convertido en el rey de los crocodrilos. Y ha decidido vengar a sus padres y derrotar a los leones, ¡comenzando por Laval! ¿Podrá Laval convencer a su viejo amigo de no atacar antes de que sea demasiado tarde? Será una batalla dura, y es posible que Laval necesite la ayuda de una criatura poderosa que no ha sido vista en mil años..."--P. [4] of cover.