Mónica Mancillas
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Mariana is visiting her abuelita and extended family in Mexico for the first time. Her tummy does a flip as she and Mami cross the frontera. There are all new sights, smells, and sounds. And at Abuelita's house, Mariana is overwhelmed by new faces and Spanish phrases she doesn't understand. But with a story, some kindness, and a few new words from Abuelita, Mariana discovers that the love of family knows no cultural divide.
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"On the first day of school, Isla's mind plays the what if game. Scary thoughts come, the world goes dark, and everything feels stormy. With Mami at her side, Isla takes a deep breath and blows her worries away in a big balloon. But as school gets closer, Isla's worries come back like a tornado"--
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Salva Sanchez, de doce anos, siempre ha sido super fanatica de Celia Cruz, tambien conocida como "la reina de la salsa". Su amor por Celia proviene de su madre, quien un dia abandona a Salva sin ninguna explicacion. Ahora Salva se siente atrapada viviendo con su padre, un periodista de investigacion, en un campamento de casas rodantes, en medio de la nada. Mientras Salva se adapta a su nuevo entorno y trata desesperadamente de entender por que su...
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"Dulce doesn't want to spend the summer helping at her family's restaurant, but with the business needing all the help it can get, she doesn't have a choice. Julian doesn't want to be in California. But his food vloger parents have relocated the family as part of an attempt to keep their marriage going, so he doesn't have a choice, either. When the two literally crash into each other, it's so not the beginning of a beautiful friendship. But as they're...