Joe Hayes
2) The coyote under the table =: El coyote debajo de la mesa : folktales told in Spanish and English
What happens when an old dog sitting at the dinner table with his master slides a whole leg of lamb, a big bowl of posole, a stack of tortillas and a bottle of wine to a coyote, who just happens to be under the table? A whole ruckus, that's what!
But that's nothing compared with some of the other wild and wonderful folktales gathered by author Joe Hayes in this bilingual edition of The Coyote Under the Table. Like his signature
..."An entertaining marriage of pictures and words."—Kirkus Reviews
In 1996, master storyteller Joe Hayes and illustrator Rebecca Leer created A Spoon for Every Bite. It became an instant classic. In this lovely New Mexico folktale, a rich man tries to prove his wealth to his poor neighbors by using a new spoon for every bite. In the process, he's served a pretty dish of come-uppance. A Spoon for Every Bite is available
...Kids of all ages are always asking Joe Hayes, "How can it snow tortillas?" Well, now they'll know where to find the answer—at long last, Joe's signature book The Day It Snowed Tortillas is appearing in this new bilingual edition. Bloomsbury Review listed the original English-only edition as one of their fifteen all-time favorite children's books. Our bilingual edition has all the original stories as they have evolved in the
...An amusing tale, about sisterly affection and motherly appreciation. You can never have too much love for your family, but you can have too many hot chiles!
Un cuento divertido, sobre el cariño entre hermanas y el aprecio maternal. ¡Nunca puedes tener demasiado amor por tu familia, pero puedes tener demasiados chiles picantes!
Author Joe Hayes and artist Esau Andrade team up to deliver an affectionate tale about siblings